Distant Healing

You do not have to suffer: Distant Soul Healing can help you heal or reduce pain for any physical, mental,emotional challanges, wherever you are round the world


If you have pain, If you are suffering, If you have any chronic illness, If nothing else helps –

You should try Soul Healing by Distant healing via Telephone or Skype.

Soul healing is Soul Mind Body Medicine by Dr. Master Zhi Gang Sha,

operated by Danny Carney from Israel.

Many healing miracles occur every day round the globe.
How is it done 
– We set a meeting on phone or Skype 
– First treatment starts with a discussion then treatment.
– Other treatments can be by phone or without any contact. 
– After the first treatment I can evaluate how many treatments you need. 

First treatment 100$, following treatments 50$ each. 
Payment by credit card by phone or PayPal.
Looking forward to helping you 

To get started, Please fill in your details and Danny will contact you.

Distant Healing